Emily Decker, MS, LPCWhat I BelieveI truly believe that everyone tries the hardest they can to meet their own goals, but all to often, we come up against roadblocks we didn't expect, or feel like we can't overcome. These can include overpowering thoughts and emotions, past traumas and experiences coming back to the surface, or difficulty feeling hope or love for ourselves. When that happens, it can be helpful to talk to a therapist, an objective person who's specially trained to guide you through all of these roadblocks, and many more.
My ExperienceIn addition to my work in this private practice since its founding in 2017, my experiences as a counselor have been broad. I have worked in counseling agencies, psychiatric crisis centers, hospitals, universities, and schools. I have provided couples counseling to clients across the gender and orientation spectrum. I have taught parenting classes, led support groups, and created boundary and social skill classes for homeless women transitioning into housing. I have worked with people of all ages, including children, families, and couples. Most often, my work has focused on helping disabled people and trauma survivors reach their goals for healing, self-acceptance, and growth.
Some of the many topics I have worked with:
My Education and CertificationI am currently pursuing a PhD in Counseling Education from George Washington University. My research focuses on therapy accessibility and competence of mental health professionals around working with clients with disabilities, as well as the experiences and barriers to career advancement for disabled counselors and counseling students.
I have a Master of Science Degree in Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling from Portland State University. This degree is a mental health counseling degree with extra coursework related to the specifics of disability and mental health. My research focused on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which included how traumatic experiences impact the mind and body. As a result of this extra training, I was a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) from 2015-2020, though I elected not to renew this certification due to complications from the COVID-19 pandemic. Populations: 18+, primarily individuals
Availability: flexible, weekday mornings and early afternoons (not currently accepting new clients) Focus: Chronic Illness, Disability, Anxiety, Trauma Special Training: intergenerational and religious trauma, navigating power differentials, teletherapy efficacy, anti-ableist therapy; Current PhD Candidate in Counseling Education and Supervision Primary Modalities: Emotion-Focused Therapy for Individuals and Couples (EFIT/EFCT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Gestalt, Existential Insurance: Oregon Medicaid, CareOregon, HealthShare, Open Card, Out of Pocket - Discount Available for Uninsured My SupervisionIn Oregon, I am supervised by the Oregon Board of Licensed Professional Counselors and Therapists. My Supervisor for my own supervision practice is Dr. Lisa Aasheim, LPC. Previously, in Oregon, my primary registered supervisor was Johnnie Burt, LPC. I was previously supervised by the staff of Portland State University, the staff of George Washington University, and by the District of Columbia Board of Professional Counseling.
If you want to learn more about counseling or are interested in working with this team to achieve your mental health goals, please contact us.
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